What we can do for you…

SuperSonicArts offers these affordable services to old-time, newgrass, Celtic, and folk musicians (such as these fine folks!:

  • Creating one-sheets for radio promotions.
  • Writing promotional emails for radio-station/deejay consumption.
  • Bulk email marketing to radio stations and deejays.
  • Follow-up email, telephone, and other marketing to radio stations and deejays.
  • Daily, weekly, or monthly reporting on radio plays on Folk-DJ, Spinitron, and other folk-music lists.
  • General consultation and referrals on related promotional topics (streaming, CD distribution, playlists, print, online, graphic arts…).

Interested? Contact tom[AT]SuperSonicArts{DOT]com or 206-359-2509.

About Us

Tom Braman is a music promoter, musician (piano, voice, and guitar!), and IT consultant with many years of reading and writing press releases and emails aimed at getting music heard. He has worked as an editor, writer, and producer for newspapers, magazines, and Web sites (check out this antique post). He’s continually adding to, updating, and refining his extensive database of radio contacts. What really turns his crank? Getting airplay for artists he loves.

Kathryn Robinson is a longtime journalist, editor, writer, critic, and writing coach whose work has appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Travel & Leisure, Glamour, The Seattle Times, Lingua Franca, Utne Reader, Seattle Weekly, and beyond. She rocks at one-sheet copy (but secretly loves liner notes most–shhhh!).


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SuperSonic Arts
2007 E. Eaton Place
Seattle, WA 98112

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